Arth Technology provides professional website design, Software development and maintenance services. Our offshore website design firm has successfully delivered cost effective website design services to individuals and businesses - big and small, worldwide. Our company offers cool Website Designing and development solutions that will impact your audience with stunning effects and effectively address your business needs. In spite of complex functional requirements for your web site, we aim to keep the user interface as simple and attractive as possible. In case of navigation, consistency in overall layout/look-and-feel, depth of content and quality of execution are just a few of the Website designing yardsticks that matter to our Web designers.http://arthtechnology.com/aboutus.php

What is SEO? How does SEO work? No Really…in english!

SEO is the process of optimizing a website internally and externally to target certain keyword phrases that are generating the most traffic relevant to your business.  Follow me?https://www.facebook.com/arthgroup

Here goes….Proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) starts with a research process.  This consists of finding keyword phrases that meet a certain criteria:
1.) Relevant to your business
2.) High traffic volume
3.) Qualified (converting)https://www.facebook.com/arthgroup
This is a very important part of the process and doing it properly will determine the overall success of your SEO campaign.  There is a science to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the rest does not matter if this portion is not done properly.  From selecting the right set of keyword phrases to optimizing everything to follow search engine guidelines this stage of your SEO campaign will form the rest.  You must nail it the first time.  Otherwise you essentially start over.
Next….after keyword phrases are selected the entire website needs to be optimized internally with them.  You must do this right and in the format that Google, Yahoo and Bing “like”.
Next and forever ongoing….You must build a web-wide reputation for your business and website.  This is where you are able to separate  yourself from the pack.  How else would Google figure out who belongs on the front page?  Reputation, that’s how.  There are certain guidelines to be followed and a large number of strategies that are used to get front page rankings.
To name a few…SEO optimized online press releases, Forum comments, blog submissions and comments, relevant directory submissions, business classifieds, and a whole lot more.
That list can go on and on…there are a lot of techniques used to get front page rankings and tons of qualified traffic from an SEO campaign.  SEO done right will show the highest ROI (return on investment) of any form of marketing or advertising.
Now what makes it different.  Well here is the simplest comparison.  There is PPC (Pay Per Click) where you can be on page one of Google.  That means every time someone clicks on your listing you pay.  When the money runs out you disappear.  With SEO also referred to as “organic” search results, meaning natural.  That is the non-paid listing area.  You could get 1000 clicks on a single keyword search and pay $2 a click and spend $2000 fast and once that money is gone so are you.  SEO on the other hand takes a little time to get you on page one but you could get 10,000 clicks and never pay for one.  The longer you run a strong SEO campaign the better it gets.  It has a residual effect.  When done and maintained properly you can stay ranked in the top ten for a plethora of different searches people type into Google and other search engines to find your type of business.  The most important difference is cost.
Done properly SEO can cost up to 50% less than PPC.  The funny thing is PPC works very effectively as well and shows a good ROI.  But you must have at least $2000 a month to spend on ads with Google and pay an expert to manage it properly or you can throw that money in the trash.  Another benefit that SEO gets you that PPC does not is, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is done by creating a ton of external content and optimized links on other websites.  This drives clicks from those, posts, articles, blog comments, etc… to your website from other places besides the search results.  PPC (Pay Per Click) will only run on the search engine you select…Google, Yahoo or Bing.  So, if you run PPC on Google you are only on Google.
To throw the SEO “cherry on top”   SEO done properly like our SEO Company, Green Apple Sales does for our clients, will get you on the front page or top ten results of all the major search engines…Google, Yahoo, Bing and many others.  True Google is the giant, but you can not count those other players out. Bing in particular is growing fast especially after they came out with the new Windows phones that has Bing search built in to the phone as a default search engine.  The same as all Android phones have Google built in by default.
Now to end this I would like to point out that the internet is the #1 source in the world for consumers to find businesses.  So having yourself on the front page when they look is the most targeted form of marketing there is.  it is also by far the most cost efficient.
Get great results using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) propel potential customers into your business.
Give us a call today and make a friend with benefits!https://www.facebook.com/arthgroup

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